digital art space münchen flughafen zürich wikipedia

47°27′53″N 008°32′57″E  /  47.46472°N 8.54917°E  / 47.46472; 8.54917 Coordinates: 47°27′53″N 008°32′57″E  /  47.46472°N 8.54917°E  / 47.46472; 8.54917

Is the largest international airport of Switzerland and the principal hub of Swiss International Air Lines. It serves Zürich, Switzerland's largest city, and, with its surface transport links, much of the rest of the country. The airport is located 13 kilometres (8 mi) north of ctral Zürich, in the municipalities of Klot, Rümlang, Oberglatt, Winkel, and Opfikon, all of which are within the canton of Zürich.

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In the Zürich area, mixed civil and military air traffic developed from 1909 onwards at Dübdorf airfield, northeast of the city. From 1919, the airport was home to Swissair's predecessor Ad Astra Aero, and from 1932 also to Swissair.

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The first regular international flight service began on 1st June 1922 with an Ad Astra route to Fürth near Nürnberg in Germany.

In the early years of aviation, the Dübdorf Air Base, located some 8 km (5.0 mi) to the Zurich Airport, also served as the city's commercial airfield. The need for a dedicated commercial facility led to the search for a location at which to build a replacemt airport.

In 1939, civil air traffic had to be suspded at the outbreak of the Second World War for military strategic reasons. Although Swissair was allowed to resume scheduled air traffic in September 1940, this remained on a modest scale during the war.

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In March 1943, the governmt of the canton of Zürich commissioned a study to idtify possible locations for the construction of a major airport. In its report, a consortium of gineers and architects led by Locher & Cie company advised against the previously discussed expansion options at Dübdorf airport and instead recommded a separate civil airport in the partially forested moorland area of the armory situated betwe Klot and Oberglatt. In August 1943, the Federal Military Departmt declared its agreemt to abandon the armory as a matter of principal "in the higher national interest".

Locher & Cie submitted "Project I" to the Governmt on 31 December 1943. Four runways were planned and together with the buildings the required area was 472 hectares. Without the purchase of land, the project would have cost 87 million CHF. The governmt found the costs too high and ordered a revision. The "Project II" of 29 April 1944 still provided for an area of 290 hectares and costs of 65 million CHF, but the governmt council demanded a further reduction. For "Project III" of 31 July 1944, 54.4 million and 215 hectares were required. The project nevertheless met the requiremts of an intercontintal airport. The Governmt formally approved it and submitted it to the Federal Governmt, strongly emphasizing that the Zurich project was "far superior" to the also planned (and ultimately abandoned) Swiss Ctral Airport Utzstorf near Bern.

In December 1944, the responsible Federal Councillor, rico Celio, explicitly spoke out in favour of Zürich-Klot, in a letter to his counterparts, as did the governmts of the cantons of Eastern and Ctral Switzerland and Ticino a month later. The National Council and Council of States followed this view and on 22 June 1945 approved the "Federal Decree on the Expansion of Civil Airports". Basel, Bern and Geva were to receive smaller contintal airports and be supported with a 30 perct share of the costs. The Zurich project was granted the status of an intercontintal airport and the highest possible subsidy rate of 35 perct.

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Switzerland's federal parliamt decided in 1945 that Zürich was to be the site of a major airport, and sold 655 hectares (1, 620 acres) of the Klot-Bülach Artillery Garrison (German: Artillerie-Waffplatz Klot-Bülach) to the canton of Zürich, giving the canton control of the new airfield. Construction of the airport began the following year.

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Initial plans for the airport, as laid out in the Federal governmt's scheme of 1945, were ctered on facilities capable of handling international airline traffic. Aircraft of up to 80 tons were visaged. The primary runway was to be designed for use in all weathers and at night, with a 400-metre (1, 300 ft)-wide hard surface running to 3, 000 metres (9, 800 ft) in lgth. Additional 100-metre (330 ft) areas were to be provided on the shoulders for lateral protection in case of runway excursions. Additional domestic runways, betwe 1, 000 and 1, 400 metres (3, 300 and 4, 600 ft) in lgth, were also to be built.

On 25 February 1946, the Cantonal Council approved a building loan of 36.8 million. The cantonal referdum of 5 May 1946 resulted in a clear approval with 105, 705 votes in favour, 29, 372 against.

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"Project IV" never came to fruition, as it was further developed by adapting it to the ICAO standards which were changing rapidly at the time. Instead of four runways, the new "Project V" of 20 May 1946 provided only three. Project VI" of 9 October 1946 increased the dimsions of all three runways. Finally, the slightly modified "Project VII" of 20 December 1947 was realised.

Within three years, the design on the drawing board had completely changed from a purely grass airfield with a four-runway system without taxiways to a three-runway system with paved taxiways. The staggered design meant that it was possible to react to changes without having to impose a complete halt to construction.

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Construction works finally began on 5 May 1946 with the diversion of the Altbach stream. The 1900 m long West Runway 10/28 was the first runway which was oped on 14 June 1948, and on which the first Swissair Douglas DC-4 took off for London. On behalf of the canton as airport owner, Cantonal Councillor Jakob Kägi gave a speech to mark the inauguration of the new runway and the start of provisional flight operations. Shortly after, on 17 November 1948, the 2600 m long blind runway 16/34 (runway with instrumt landing system) was oped for operation, which was attded by the sev members of the cantonal governmt. In the presce of invited guests from politics and the media as well as represtatives of the construction companies and airlines, the new airport was inaugurated, which meant that the relocation of the tire civil flight operations from Dübdorf to Klot had already be completed and full operation could begin at the new Zurich Airport.

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The 1535 m long Bis runway 02/20, which belonged to the three-runway system of 1948, was of little importance. Due to the applicable crosswind regulations at that time, the runway was designed to face the Bise in order to guarantee the airport's all-weather capability. However, the ICAO increased the crosswind tolerances for aircraft in subsequt revisions to such an extt that the runway was decommissioned after just over t years.

The character of a provisional solution was supported - despite full operation - by the lack of buildings, especially the "Flughof", which had be planned since 1946. Instead, a growing shanty town stood to the east of the reserved building site.

On 27 October 1948, the canton outsourced the developmt, construction and operation of the buildings to the newly founded "Flughaf-Immobili-Gesellschaft" (FIG), a mixed-economy public limited company in which the public sector held half of the shares (canton of Zürich 22.5%, city of Zürich 18%, "Zürcher Kantonalbank" 5%, city of Winterthur 3.6% and municipality of Klot 0.9%).

 - Digital Art Space München Flughafen Zürich Wikipedia

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The FIG took over projects that had be started and was thus able to hand over the completed "shipyard I" to Swissair for use as early as late autumn 1948, followed by offices for Swissair's technical departmts, which were finally able to leave Dübdorf by the d of April 1949. Further workshops, the striking arched hangar and the "Heating Ctre I" for the heat supply were completed by the d of 1949.

Based on "Project V", the terminal building had already be designed as a convex building at the airport head in mid-1946. In the following four years, a total of 24 feasible airport project designs were submitted, before the FIG commissioned the construction of the airport according to plans by Alfred and Heinrich Oeschger in November 1950. At the beginning of 1951, the piling work for the terminal building began, the construction work took about two years. With the oping on 9 April 1953, the shanty town could be abandoned.

The new building consisted of a ctral passger wing, flanked by a restaurant and an office wing. In addition there was a spectator terrace of 200m lgth.

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As had be expected the construction costs had be significantly exceeded. Several metres of raised bog were removed and backfilled with material from the Holberg; the concrete area had also increased from the originally planned 420, 000 m

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. In addition, the former weapons range area had to be searched for unexploded bombs, of which a total of 157 were found. The costs for "Project IV", estimated at CHF 59.5 million in 1946, had ris to CHF 106 million by the time the civil gineering works under "Project VII" were completed in July 1949. Both chambers of the Federal Assembly concluded the political review with the "Federal Decree on the Paymt of Additional Federal Contributions to the Construction of Zürich-Klot


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